“Contemplation is the practice of being fully present – in heart, mind, and body – to what is in a way that allows you to creatively respond and work toward what could be” (Center for Action and Contemplation). Through practices such as centering prayer, meditation, and Lectio Divina, we learn to
hold all things lightly, to be silent, and to welcome each moment as it comes. For more information on contemplation and contemplative practices, click here.
Current Offerings
New Year's Retreat
Centering Space will offer a New Year's retreat for contemplation and renewal on Sunday, January 26 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. Plan to join us as we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King and pray for the incoming political administration. Sessions will include contemplation stations, yoga, dance, Zentangle, and massage. A light supper will be provided at 6:00 to conclude our time together. There is no fee for this retreat, however, you are invited to make a free will offering to cover the costs associated with the retreat. Register here so that we can have an estimate of how many people will attend.

In the Season of Elections
During this time of electing new leaders at local, state, and national levels and in the time that follows the election, we have a variety of resources available.
Space in the Harbor Room for prayer
​Invitation to Practice: A Spirituality of Nonviolence
Add Invitation to Practice: A Spirituality of Nonviolence here

Personal Retreat
Taking a step back from the demands of daily life for an hour, a morning or afternoon, or perhaps even a longer day, can help to refresh and restore us. Such a retreat might include a time of prayer, reading, music and movement using the resources such as the labyrinth and meditation walk. You can find a guide for a personal retreat here.

A labyrinth is an ancient tool used by people around the world. The pattern of pathways offers a contemplative journey as you move towards the center and the wind your way back out into the world. Labyrinths are created in all sizes and in a variety of patterns. An outdoor labyrinth is located on the grounds of Trinity Presbyterian Church. An indoor labyrinth and small handheld labyrinths are located in Centering Space with guides to support contemplation.

Meditation Walk
Trinity is blessed with beautiful grounds and places designed to encourage getting centered in creation. We've compiled a self-guided meditation walk around the grounds with a number of stops along the way. You may download the full guide here , find an online version here, or find hard copies by our Memorial Garden to be used while you walk around the grounds. You'll also find QR codes at many of the stations, which will take you to the full walk and individual stations.

Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is a spiritual discipline designed to help us see past our presumptions by examining
small pieces of holy text with great care. We practice this discipline in small groups so that each
of us can see the text, and the piece of God it represents, with eyes other than our own. You
may participate at 5:45 on Wednesday and/or Friday mornings. Meeting details can be found
on the Calendar page. Feel free to email Mark Dewey for questions or additional details.