A Space for Centered CARE:
Contemplation, Action, Renewal, and Expression.

In the beginning, God illuminated the world with a Word. Where there was once watery chaos, there is now order and light. Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus and his friends were traveling on a boat. A storm rolled over them with such ferocity that his friends–some of them veteran fishermen–were sure that they were going to perish. Jesus stilled the storm, and his friends were amazed.
Storms still roll over the waters of our lives from time to time. Chaos still frays at our edges. In such times it can be helpful to seek a safe harbor for a time. Centering Space offers several spaces and places to gently retreat into our souls and into the love of God.
To learn more about us, check out more through our Marks Group Call.

Harbor Room
The Harbor Room at Centering Space provides a quiet space for individual and small group retreats. Equipped with resources to support contemplation and meditation, comfortable seating, and space for snacks and light meals, the Harbor Room is a place of hospitality and refuge. To avail yourself of this Harbor, please contact the Church Administrator of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, VA.

Other Rooms
Centering Space also includes rooms dedicated to Contemplation, Action, Renewal, and Expression. The technology room supports hybrid and online interactions and experiences and is also home to our indoor labyrinth. The adjoining room is set up with stations through which visitors can explore particular themes or issues through creative expression and action.

New Year Retreat
RESCHEDULED from 1/19 due to weather: Centering Space will offer a New Year's retreat for contemplation and renewal on Sunday, January 26 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. Sessions will include contemplation stations, yoga, dance, Zentangle, and massage. A light supper will be provided at 6:00 to conclude our time together. There is no fee for this retreat, however, you are invited to make a free will offering to cover the costs associated with the retreat. Register here so that we can have an estimate of how many people will attend.

Women's Christmas Retreat 2025

Celebrated on Epiphany (January 6) in Ireland and elsewhere, Women's Christmas offers an opportunity at the end of the holiday season to celebrate with friends and to gather ourselves before diving into the year ahead. This day invites us to pause, to rest, to reflect. In this spirit, Jan Richardson creates retreats that you are welcome to download and use, at no cost, either by yourself or with others. Blessings on your Women's Christmas!
New Yoga Session
Centering Space is pleased to announce registration is open for the Winter yoga class led by Robin Atwood. The class will meet on Tuesdays from 5:00-6:00 in the sanctuary from March 4 - April 8. We suggest a donation of $30.00 for this 6-week class; however, Centering Space will continue to provide this class at no cost to participants. Click here to register. Click here to pay.

Sunday Morning Lectio Divina Group
The Sunday Morning Group is studying Paul's letters. This group meets via Zoom from 7:45-9:00 a.m. If you are interested in joining, contact Mark Dewey at mdewey7215@gmail for more information. The Zoom link for joining is also available on the Centering Space Calendar.

* = Linked with more info
Open House to welcome people to our new space
Sacred Earth contemplative book study
Growing Through Grief, Loss, and Change series with Rev. Steve Jones
Art Journaling Workshop with Julie McClay
Worship Service to introduce the
Centering Space
Christian Disillusionment and Renewal course led by Mark Dewey
Enneagram class
Vision Board workshop
Creative Online Retreat led by Rev. Allison Wehrung
Labyrinth for Lent meditation guide
Purchase and posting of yard signs in support of mental health
725 S High St Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Centering Space is hosted by Trinity Presbyterian Church​.